Northern Ireland

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  • organic Carruthers Purple Podded Pea seedorganic Carruthers' Purple Podded Pea seed

    Shelling Pea, Carruthers’ Purple Podded (Organic)


    Pisum sativum. Purple Pod Shelling. 4-6′ tall vines, pink and purple flowers. Not an edible-pod type pea but the purple pods contain sweet, tasty green peas for fresh shelling or freezing. One of the best purple-podded types we have grown. The purple pods are easy to find when picking. An heirloom grown by the Carruthers…

  • Shelling Pea, Clarke's Beltony Blue (Organic)

    Shelling Pea, Clarke’s Beltony Blue (Organic)


    Pisum sativum. Purple Pod Shelling. Another purple-podded pea from Northern Ireland. This one is from County Tyrone and has been grown on the same farm there since at least 1850. Can grow up to 5½’ tall. Purple pods become mottled with green when ripe and the peas have a good, smooth flavor without bitterness. Our…