Painted Tongue, Kew Blue (Organic)
Salpiglosis sinuata. 75 days.
Captivating, velvety dark purple trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom continuously up slender-stemmed sprays that reach 3½’ tall. These delicate flowers are not suitable for bouquets, but are a showstopper in the garden and very attractive to pollinators. Plants may need staking to prevent lodging, but we didn’t have this problem. Sow this annual in early spring for flowers from June through September.
Geographical Origin |
Sow shallowly in flats indoors 12 weeks before last frost. Transplant this cool-weather annual to 12” centers. Germination requires darkness and may be slow and erratic. Pinch back growth tips when young to promote branching. Prefers cool weather.
Seed Saving
Collect seeds from seedheads that are fully dry. Shell by hand, and winnow to clean. Dry seeds completely before sealing in airtight container.
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