Garbanzo, Golden Dragon (Organic)
Cicer arietinum. Orange/Tan.
A strain of Desi-type chickpea given to us by local staple food activist, Krishna Khalsa, via Harry MacCormack, who told us, “reportedly it gives those who eat it the power of the dragon.” Smallish, orange/tan seeds cook up nicely and are very versatile in the kitchen. The Desi-type of chickpeas are usually smaller and darker than other types and have a rougher coat. This type is used to make chana dal, which is a split chickpea dish with the skin removed. They can also be cooked up whole like dry beans and added to soups, salads and curries. Sow by the end of May for beans to dry down by early September. Plant architecture is tall enough that it can be direct combined if grown on a large scale.
Seed produced by Sunbow Produce in Corvallis, Oregon.
Direct sow 1” deep when soil temps have reached 45°F, ideally by early May. Garbanzo beans are frost tolerant so may be sown as early as March. Plant at 4-6” in-row spacing with 12” between rows. Leaflets contain skin irritants – wear gloves. For harvest, pull entire plants and allow to after-ripen before processing. Collect seeds from beans that are fully dry. Shell by hand or by dancing on the dry pods, winnow or screen to clean. Test for dryness with a hammer – dry beans shatter, moist beans squish.
Seed Saving
Garbanzo beans are self-pollinating and do not need isolation for seed saving purposes.
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