Lettuce, Fristina (Organic)
Lactuca sativa. Green Oak Leaf. 25 days baby; 60 full.
Produces large, dense heads of deeply serrated oak leaves great for cut-and-come-again salads. Fristina is so deeply cut it almost looks like a frisée endive. When the heads are medium sized, they can be cut about an inch above the base, the handful of lettuce will then fall apart into a perfect bowl of salad. Crunchy sweet midribs are tasty. Heads hold up well in summer heat. Shows good field resistance to downy mildew. Bred in England, where we picked it up on our first Seed Ambassadors trip.
Geographical Origin |
Sow indoors in flats with good potting soil year-round. Transplant into the garden 3-4 weeks after sprouting at 3″ spacing for leaf, 12″ for heads. Alternatively, direct sow March through September. In our area, lettuce can go through winter if protected. Succession sow for continual harvest.
Seed Saving
Collect seeds when flowers are downy like dandelions. Cut seed heads and place upside down in a bag to dry for a few days. Knock seed heads against side of bucket or tote, rub downy fluff off seeds. Winnow and screen to clean.
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