Adaptive Seeds Summer Lettuce Mix (Organic)
Lactuca sativa. 28 days.
Features varieties that have performed well in our hot weather lettuce trials. Includes crisphead, romaine, oak leaf, and butterhead varieties, making this mix work well for head lettuce or cut-and-come-again salad mix production. We recommend this mix for summer sowings in the Pacific Northwest.
Sow indoors in flats with good potting soil year-round. Transplant into the garden at 1′ spacing 3-4 weeks after sprouting. Alternatively, direct sow March through September. In our area, lettuce can go through winter if protected. Succession sow for continual harvest.
Seed Saving
Collect seeds when flowers are downy like dandelions. Cut seed heads and place upside down in a bag to dry for a few days. Knock seed heads against side of bucket or tote, rub downy fluff off seeds. Winnow and screen to clean.
Michelle (verified owner) –
Where did you grow this variety? Oregon
As you do on the pages for other seeds. That would be helpful.
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Andrew Still –
Thanks for bring this to our attention. I updated the tab. The growing tips are the same for other lettuces, however these lettuces can be grown more easily through the hot summer months.
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