Foxglove, Excelsior Mix (Organic)
Digitalis purpurea. Biennial / Perennial in zones 4-9.
Beautiful spires of bell-shaped flowers that range in color from white to pink and bloom in their second year. Bigger flowers with more bold colors than the wild foxglove that is established throughout the Pacific Northwest. Blooms in early June for us. Flower spires grow to 6′ and are especially attractive to large bumblebees, moths, and hummingbirds. If the main stalk is cut, side shoots will form and bloom later into the season. Thrives in shade or sun. A biennial that can often re-sprout as a short lived perennial. May self-sow but is not invasive. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested.
Geographical Origin |
Surface sow indoors in flats with good potting soil late autumn to early spring. Transplant into the garden to 18” centers when plants are at least 3” tall. May also be direct sown. Biennial blooms in second year. Deadhead to prolong bloom and limit self-seeding. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Seed Saving
To save seed, do not harvest or deadhead. Shake seed from dried flowers when seed heads are dry, or cut seed heads, then thresh by hand or by dancing. Screen to clean. Isolate from other varieties of the same species of foxglove by 1/2 mile.
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