Amaranth, Green Tails (Organic)
Amaranthus caudatus. Flower. 75 days.
We wanted to change the name to Envy Lies Bleeding because it looks so much like the red variety, Love Lies Bleeding. But, Green Tails it is. Long, lime green flower tails form on plants that grow 4-5′ tall. When planted in rows it makes a nice backdrop wall to other smaller flowers. Racemes may be cut and used in bouquets or as a dried flower, and combines well with Coral Fountain and Love Lies Bleeding. This species of amaranth is thought to originate in South America and was used by some indigenous peoples for grain and greens.
Sow in pots indoors in April for planting out in May, or direct sow after danger of frost. 12–18″ spacing. Harvest for greens at any time; harvest grain when seeds rub off easily in your hand, but before seed head is crispy dry. Windrow or hang over a tarp to dry for several days, then dance, rub, or shake seeds from seed heads. For larger crops, place dry plants on a tarp and drive on it with a vehicle. Winnow to clean or place seeds in a bowl and make a stirring motion with your arm; chaff rises to the top for easy removal.
Seed Saving
For seed saving, isolate from other amaranths of the same species by 1⁄4 mile.
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