Tomato, Petrillo (Organic)
Solanum lycopersicum. 70 days. Indet.
Tall plants produce red, ruffled, fluted, 3-4″ fruit weighing 3-4 oz. A high yielding and beautiful tomato similar to the Italian variety Costoluto Genovese but earlier to mature. Good flavor with an excellent, slightly tart bite, Petrillo is perfect diced and thrown fresh into pasta or salad. Ripe fruit keep well on the plant and in the kitchen, and produce very few seeds. Originating in Puerto Rico pre-1952, we sourced it from USDA GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network), the US equivalent to a national gene bank.
Sow indoors in flats with good potting soil as early as February, but no later than April. Keep warm and well-watered. Up pot seedlings into 4” pots once they have two true leaves. Transplant into the garden once danger of frost has passed.
Seed Saving
Collect seeds from ripe fruit by squeezing into a jar and add 25% more water. Wait a few days for mold to form. When seeds sink and gel-sac is gone, stir, add water, then decant and rinse to clean. Dry thoroughly. Tomatoes are mostly self-pollinating; isolation is not usually needed for seeds to be true to type.
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