Tomato, Sokolades (Organic)
Solanum lycopersicum. Purple/Brown. 70-80 days. Indet.
Plants are high yielding of large, 6-12 oz globes with a rich brown color. Excellent, complex, and delicious flavor common to many so-called black tomatoes. Latvian heirloom that consistently grows very well here in the Willamette Valley. We have found it to be one of the most reliable and best producers of this type. Reminiscent of the classic variety, Cherokee Purple, but we like it much better. Given to The Seed Ambassadors Project by the Irish Seed Savers Association.
Geographical Origin |
Sow indoors in flats with good potting soil as early as February, but no later than April. Keep warm and well-watered. Up pot seedlings into 4” pots once they have two true leaves. Transplant into the garden once danger of frost has passed.
Seed Saving
Collect seeds from ripe fruit by squeezing into a jar and add 25% more water. Wait a few days for mold to form. When seeds sink and gel-sac is gone, stir, add water, then decant and rinse to clean. Dry thoroughly. Tomatoes are mostly self-pollinating; isolation is not usually needed for seeds to be true to type.
Scott Daigre, Tomatomania –
Where did you grow this variety? Oregon
Sokolades has been an amazing plant and fruit so far this season. We planted both in the ground and in container. The container plant actually seems to do, or is doing, better than the one in the ground. There must be 40 tomatoes on this one plant in the container. The taste is delicious, as good or better than any black tomato we have trialed in the past.
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