
Showing 309–336 of 659 results

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    Organic Lovage seed

    Lovage (Organic)


    Levisticum officinale. Perennial in zones 3-9. With an appearance similar to its celery relative, lovage has a lovely fragrance and a sweet herbal flavor to match. Almost fennel-like undertones that are also reminiscent of celery and parsley, but lovage really has a flavor all its own. All parts of this plant are edible – leaves…

  • Organic Ildkongen Marigold seedOrganic Ildkongen Marigold seed

    Marigold, Ildkongen (Organic)


    Tagetes patula. 65 days. We have been growing this stunning heritage marigold since 2007 and are excited to have enough harvested and cleaned to share. Ildkongen is not your average marigold. While other marigolds are short, Ildkongen forms tall bushy plants that grow to 4′ and produce lots of flowers right up until frost. Bloom…

  • Organic Kees' Orange Marigold Seed
    Organic Kees' Orange Marigold Seed

    Marigold, Kees’ Orange (Organic)


    Tagetes erecta. 60-70 days. Orange flowers have been selected to be the most vibrant, vivid orange color possible. Kees’ Orange marigold is an “African” marigold (aka, Mexican marigold) that is a great choice for cut flower production. Plants grow 3-4′ tall and produce many 3” wide double petaled blooms. Marigold flowers are well known for…

  • Marigold, Tangerine Gem (Organic)


    Tagetes tenuifolia. 60-65 days. Tiny, orange, edible, marigold flowers form on dwarf plants that do well in containers. A cheerful little bedding plant, looks great when planted densely. Blooms all summer long right up until frost, and is highly attractive to pollinators and other beneficial insects. Lovely citrusy scent is fun to experiment with in…

  • Out of Stock

    Marshmallow (Organic)


    Althaea officinalis. Perennial in zones 3-9. Common edible and medicinal herb native to Europe. Marshmallow has many medicinal uses which include treating stomach acid, aching muscles, insect bites, and dry coughs. Leaves can be eaten raw but taste better cooked. Similar to its okra relative, it is good for thickening soups. Marshmallows of campfire and…

  • Melon, Arancino (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 80 days. A highly fragrant and delicious Italian cantaloupe variety originally from Sicily. Fruit grow to about 6-8″ across, weighing 2-4 lbs. Beautifully netted, slightly ridged, with bright orange flesh (arancino means ‘orange’ in Italian). Relatively firm texture, ease of identifying ripeness, great color and size make this melon very well suited to…

  • Organic Charentais Superprecoce Du Roc Melon seeds

    Melon, Charentais Superprécoce Du Roc (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 70-80 days. Green striped fruit have a heavenly aroma and deliciously sweet, firm orange flesh. Charentais is a traditional French type of cantaloupe that has long been considered by many to be the best of the best. Hybrid and open-pollinated Charentais melons tend to be a little slow to ripen in our climate,…

  • Organic Farthest North Galia Melon Seed

    Melon, Farthest North Galia (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 65 days. Our selection from the Farthest North Mix that has been in the making since we crossed Galia F1 into the mix over 9 years ago. Still a genepool mix that has been selected for small, round, green-fleshed melons. Our goal is to breed a small fruited super early, super sweet galia/passport/tropical…

  • Organic Farthest North Melon Mix Seeds

    Melon, Farthest North Mix (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 65 days. A diverse genepool mix of ultra early, cool weather tolerant melons. Small, single serving, baseball-to-softball-sized melons vary in color (lots of green-fleshed but also some orange) as well as texture and flavor. This melon is like a box of chocolates (thanks Forrest Gump!). You might not know what you’re going to…

  • Melon, Kazakh (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 70-80 days. Small, green-skinned melons ripen to vibrant gold and have firm, very pale cream flesh with an almost honeydew crunchy consistency. Up to five softball-sized fruit per plant. Super tasty, early variety that is good for cool, short seasons or for folks that are getting their garden in a bit late. Very…

  • Melon, Oregon Delicious (Organic)

    Melon, Oregon Delicious (Organic)


    Cucumis melo. 80-90 days. Oregon heritage melon mentioned in the Slow Food book, Restoring Salmon Nation’s Food Traditions, compiled by Gary Paul Nabhan. Super juicy and sweet flavor melts in your mouth. Slightly oval shaped but more round than Pike or Spear. Earlier than many heritage melons but not a short season melon. We usually…

  • Organic Sweet Freckles Melon seedOrganic Sweet Freckles melon seed

    Melon, Sweet Freckles (Organic)


    Cucumis melo.  80-90 days. Unique and delightful, Sweet Freckles Melon has a sweet aromatic flavor with a smooth, dense texture. Unusual and attractive appearance, which is pear-shaped and freckled. Vines are exceedingly vigorous and while the stem does not slip when ripe, the color changes from green to orange. Not the earliest melon but it…

  • Tithonia Mexican Sunflower

    Mexican Sunflower (Organic)


    Tithonia rotundifolia. 75 days. A great summer bloomer with bright orange flowers that attract butterflies. Thrives on neglect, turning into bushy shrubs by the end of summer. This strain lacks the dwarf nature and muted colors of the newer varieties, Torch and Aztec Sun. We prefer this larger Mexican Sunflower as we, and our pollinators,…

  • Millet, Auksés

    Millet, Auksés (Organic)


    Setaria italica. Foxtail millet. Foxtail millet is the type used for bird food. Small seeds have yellow hulls that must be removed before humans can eat it (not an easy task). Very easy to grow, but difficult to save seed from unless you have zero birds in your garden (but who would want that?!). Try…

  • Millet, Dragon’s Claw (Organic)


    Eleusine coracana. 90 days. Finger millet. Aptly named, Dragon’s Claw is a unique and fun millet with panicles that are shaped like a hand with up to eight fingers pointed up to the sky. Would make a neat addition to autumn bouquets. The birds in our field left this one alone, preferring pretty much every…

  • Millet, Hells Canyon (Organic)


    Setaria italica. Foxtail millet. This is an awesome foxtail millet. Beautiful, dense, fingery heads are a reddish brown, leaves and stalks are purplestreaked green. Tolerates cooler summers. Very productive, easy to hand harvest (if you can get to it before the birds) and gorgeous in flower arrangements. Plants grow to 6′ tall. From Don Kluever…

  • Millet Proso Juosves

    Millet, Juosves (Organic)


    Panicum miliaceum. Proso millet. Proso millet is a good edible grain for those with gluten allergies, if you can manage to hull it. Great as bird seed if you cannot. Large seeds have red-orange hulls. Juosves millet is very drought tolerant and is easy to grow. Sprays make attractive additions to bouquets. Variety given to…

  • Millet, Rudukes (Organic)


    Setaria italica. Foxtail millet. Easy to grow, small seeded variety with red-orange hulls. As with our other millet varieties, it is also great fermenting into beer for personal use or feeding to your chickens and ducks. Remove hull before you eat it. Drought resistant. Rudukes millet was given to us by the Lithuanian Ministry of…

  • Organic Miner's Lettuce Claytonia seedsClaytonia Miner's Lettuce

    Miner’s Lettuce (Organic)


    Claytonia perfoliata. 30-55 days. This cool-weather salad green is native to the West Coast of North America, and Native Americans there have long valued it for food and medicine. Small plants prefer to grow autumn through spring and will regrow after multiple harvests. Leaves grow in pairs that slowly fuse together as they mature. Satisfying…

  • Superior Korean Licorice Mint

    Mint, Superior Licorice (Organic)


    Agastache rugosa. Perennial in zones 5-9. Very delightful, aromatic leaves with a sweet, minty licorice flavor. One of Andrew’s favorite herbs for tea, second only to wild yerba buena. The beautiful blue flower spikes can grow to 8” tall and provide excellent forage for beneficial insects. Blooms over a long period and especially well late…

  • Amaranth Alliance Mix

    Mix, Amaranth Alliance (Organic)


    Amaranthus sp. Flower/Grain. 65-95 days. A fun and beautiful way to explore amaranth diversity. Amaranth Alliance contains flower and grain types in a rainbow of colors, with several reds, plus pink, green, bronze, and bicolors in the mix. Very ornamental – a festive backdrop for the garden. Equal parts Copperhead, Coral Fountain, Green Tails, Love…

  • Mix, Birdfood Bonanza (Organic)


    Grow a garden for your feathered friends! Mix contains millet, sunflowers, lettuce, cosmos, mustard, and others. We have at times joked that our efforts are for the birds. Quite literally in this case! Sow in spring for a progression of seeds your backyard birds will love. We have been known to grow catch crops of…

  • Bitter Is Better Chicory Mix

    Mix, Bitter Is Better (Organic)


    Cichorium intybus and Cichorium endivia. 30-60 days. Inspired by the delightful Sagra di Radicchio in Seattle, we bring you Bitter Is Better! This seed blend is a celebration of the Cichorium family of delicious, sweet, bitter greens and includes a diverse selection of chicory, radicchio, escarole, and endive. Leaf types vary from frisée to broad-leafed,…

  • Organic Pollinator Party Mix Seed BlendOrganic El Dorado Zinnia seed

    Mix, Pollinator Party (Organic)


    Plant this mix at the edges of your garden to feed pollinators and invite beneficial insects of all kinds. Blooms start early with cilantro and dill and continue through frost. Several of these crops provide good bird food, too. Mix includes sunflowers, zinnias, tithonia, coreopsis, cilantro, fennel, parsley, dill, and others.

  • Mizspoona Salad Select (Organic)


    Brassica rapa. 20 days baby, 40 days full. Mizuna and Tatsoi are some of our favorite mustard family salad greens. Combine the two and you get Mizspoona and the awesomeness increases exponentially! Very mild mustard flavor is delicious when eaten raw in salads and is also quite tasty cooked. Mizspoona Salad Select inherits the vigorous…

  • Organic Lemon Bergamot SeedsOrganic Lemon Bergamot Seeds

    Monarda, Lemon Bergamot (Organic)


    Monarda citridoria. Annual or fall-sown biennial. Lemon Bergamot Monarda achieves the garden trifecta of being an ornamental, culinary/medicinal, and insectary plant. Tubular purple flowers form in clusters around the stem, with two to six clusters along each stem. Perhaps most well known as an herbal flavoring for tea, leaves have a citrusy aroma and flavor…

  • Organic Wild Bergamont Bee Balm seed

    Monarda, Wild Bergamot / Bee Balm (Organic)


    Monarda fistulosa. Perennial in zones 3-10. The name Bee Balm says it all. Bees, butterflies, other beneficial insects, even hummingbirds love to come and drink the nectar of this member of the mint family. We saw a large number of native bumble bees foraging among the summer blooms. Steal a few flowering stems from the…

  • Motherwort (Organic)


    Leonurus cardiaca. Perennial in zones 3-9. Highly medicinal and intensely bitter perennial member of the mint family that grows to 3’ tall and produces small purple flowers in the second year. Motherwort’s flowering tops make a unique cut flower and its presence in the garden is also ornamental. Used medicinally across many herbal traditions for…