Daucus carota. 55 days. An early improved Nantes type carrot. Unique orange color has almost pinkish undertones. Flavor is what really makes Coral a standout with its delicious sweetness and an aroma to match – perfect for snacking. Coreless, with better tip fill than most OP carrots. European variety introduced to the US by Fedco…
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Daucus carota. 65-75 days. Cosmic Purple carrot combines great color with a delicious flavor often only present in orange carrots. Vibrant reddish purple roots have orange interiors. Six to eight inch tapered roots have an appealing shape similar to Danvers type carrots and tolerate heavy soils. Cosmic Purple carrot scored high marks in our trials…
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Daucus carota. 70-75 days. With its broad-shouldered, conical, orange roots, Danvers 126 carrot is a garden standby that has been around since 1886. Similar to Red Core Chantenay but less blocky and a little more tender, however not as tender as Nantes types. Good for year round carrot production. Split resistant roots grow to about…
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Daucus carota. 60 days. This nantes type carrot is an excellent open pollinated competitor for the hybrids. Delightful, juicy crunch and sweet, mild flavor make it great for fresh eating. Very uniform for an open pollinated variety with bright orange color and good tip fill. Makes attractive carrot bunches at market. Good for spring through…
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Daucus carota. 70 days. The ultimate carrot for winter cultivation and storage. Wide shoulders, dense flesh, and solid carrot flavor make it a preferred variety for processing and great for bulk and/or wholesale as the poundage adds up quickly. Grows well in heavy soil, strong tops and wedge shape make for easy harvest. This variety…
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Brassica oleracea. 200+ days. Overwintering cauliflower is one of the best kept secrets of the vegetable world. So tasty and so productive, it comes on right when it is needed during the spring hunger gap. Living in the Pacific Northwest, which is one of the few places on the planet where it can be easily…
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Brassica oleracea. 200+ days. This overwintering purple cauliflower is another great crop for the hunger gap of late spring. Purple Cape, when sown in June or July, produces deep purple heads the following February through March. Produces much larger heads and more food than overwintering purple sprouting broccoli, and we are so happy to be…
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Apium graveolens. 70 days. Light-green leaf cutting celery. Grows to 18” and is great in mirepoix and soups. Stems are also usable, but much smaller than those of stalk celery. The flavor packs a punch that is most suitable for cooking; a little goes a long way. This vigorous biennial leaf makes a great addition…
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Apium graveolens. 70 days. Bright-green, aromatic leaves atop long, skinny, white stems give White Queen a stark visual contrast from the classic western stem celery. Thrives in cool fall weather, overwinters easily, and sometimes grows back vigorously as a second and third year perennial. This leaf celery is a Chinese variety with a strong flavor…
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Apium graveolens. 80-100 days. The classic American celery! An improved Tall Utah type, Ventura celery is named after the town Andrew grew up in. When he was a kid riding his bike around Ventura, California, he saw many fields of celery growing interspersed with strawberry fields and lemon orchards. Once one of the most common…
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Beta vulgaris. 30 days baby, 50 full. Traditional Tuscan-type, green leaf chard often simply called Bietola. The sweetest chard we have ever tried. Young leaves have little to no oxalic acid flavor at all. Older leaves have more standard chard flavor, yet are still uniquely mild and tasty. Leaves tend to be smaller with thinner…
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Beta vulgaris. 30 days baby, 60 full. This selection of Rainbow chard is a show stopper in the garden, at farmer’s market, and on the table. Vibrant colors range from dark red, through the spectrum to hot pink, orange, yellow, and white. Leaves can be incorporated raw into salads when young or cooked when older….
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Cichorium intybus. Sugarloaf type. 80 days. Tall, green romaine-like “loafs” are sweet and crunchy. Usually hardy here in the Pacific Northwest all winter long, although temperatures below 20°F may damage heads. The Borca selection has had much better consistency and hardiness for us in our trials than other strains of sugarloaf. It became a staple…
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Cichorium intybus. Rosette type. 35 days leaf; 60 head. Trieste Sweet is a cut-and-come-again chicory that is usually broadcast sown, and harvested at baby leaf stage for use in salad mixes. Known for regrowth after harvest. Young leaves are smooth with round tips, thin stems that have almost no ribbing, and a mild sweet flavor…
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Cichorium intybus. Loose heading type. 70 days. Chicories are becoming more popular in the Pacific Northwest with castelfranco and sugarloaf leading the charge. Why? Because they’re delicious! Variegata di Castelfranco is a big heading chicory with lots of bright colors, mostly green with red speckles. If planted in July or early August, it will head…
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Allium schoenoprasum. Perennial in zones 3-10. Produces bunches of dark green, pungent, onion flavored leaves that are very versatile in the kitchen. Plants grow to about 12″ tall. Very hardy plants withstand neglect, can grow in full sun to part shade, and are great for containers. In midsummer, plants produce little, light purple, globeshaped flowers…
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Coriandrum sativum. Named for the Rak Tamachat Permaculture and Natural Building Education Center in Thailand, where we saved the seeds for this variety out of their kitchen garden when we visited in March, 2014. Since all we saw were the plants that had already gone to seed, we were surprised and delighted by what we…
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Coriandrum sativum. A must-have in the herb garden! Standby cilantro’s bright flavor freshens up any meal and is essential in so many cuisines worldwide – especially Latin American, Middle Eastern, Southeast and South Asian. Very hardy and slow bolting, it is excellent sown year-round, and especially in the late fall for winter harvest or an…
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Trifolium incarnatum. An excellent winter or spring cover crop known primarily for its nitrogen fixing properties and high biomass production. Large, strikingly beautiful crimson flowers appear in the late spring and are great food for bees and other pollinators. In regions where the winter stays above 0°F, Crimson Clover is sown in the late summer…
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Valerianella locusta. 35 days. Granon is a standby variety of corn salad that grows well year-round in cool climates, but is best known as a winter salad green for both outdoor and indoor production. Plants produce a small rosette (think baby greens size) that may be harvested whole or by cutting individual leaves for cut-and-come-again…
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Lepidium sativum. 20 days. A delightfully pungent addition to salads, Greek Cress is a type of garden cress (aka, pepper grass) that is easy to grow and thrives in cool weather. Best when young, its delicate, frilly leaves contribute a hot mustardy flavor and it’s a great green to use for cut-and-come-again salads. May also…
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Cucumis sativus. Pickling. 55 days. Pickling type that is also great for fresh eating. Addis Pickle cucumber is so productive, Sarah ate one almost every day for lunch from the single (under-watered) plant in the kitchen garden from late July into September. Dark green with white spines, 5–7” cylindrical fruit are good for processing. Bred…
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Cucumis sativus. Slicing. 50-60 days. Middle Eastern/Mediterranean type cucumber – bright green skin, smooth, mild flavor – with amazing sweet flavor, texture, productivity and appearance. Nobody needs to grow the American type of cucumber – dark-green, bumpy, prone to bitterness – when there are delicious gems like this. Thin skin is remarkably tender yet durable….
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Cucumis sativus. Slicing. 60-70 days. There’s no need for hybrid cucumbers with wonderful varieties like this around! Dark green skinned, 7-8″ long fruit are juicy, crunchy, and sweet. The yield is remarkable and we highly recommend it for organic farm production or for anyone who wants boxes full of classic slicing cukes. An excellent variety from…
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Cucumis sativus. 65 days. Let’s get this out of the way right now: I love lemon cucumbers. I like all cucumbers, but lemon cukes are the only cukes I love. Let me count the ways: They are crisp and delicious, and in addition to being the size, shape, and color of a lemon, mature fruit…
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Cucumis sativus. Slicing. 50-60 days. White Heron slicing cucumbers are similar to True Lemon but with a classic slicer shape and lighter white color. Fruit are best harvested under 5” long, when thin skin is still tender enough to make peeling unnecessary. We like to harvest them when the stem end of the fruit just starts…
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Anethum graveolens. 35 days. An amazingly fragrant variety of dill. Heavenly in the garden and a key ingredient for many pickle recipes. You can’t have too many jars of dilly beans in the pantry. Also delicious in borscht (beet soup), and cooked with fish or potatoes. Flowers are very attractive to pollinators. We sourced Ambrosia…
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